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of a Spiritual Awakening

There are different stages or phases of an awakening. This free resource is

intended to give you an idea of where you may be, on your journey.

To help give you guidance on how to navigate your way along the spiritual path.


​I don’t believe the stages or phases are linier or happen one after the other …. not from my own personal experience or the experiences I have heard from others. You may find you will go through more than one at the same time. They can run in parallel and overlap.


So, the stages or phases I have outlined are not necessarily meant to imply that you will go through them one by one in the order I have put them in. Please don’t get concerned if you believe you are going through some parts of different stages at the same time. Everyone’s awakening is different, so just go with the flow of yours.



Watch my video on
"How does an Spiritual Awakening Affect You"​






At the beginning of your awakening

you will begin to notice a

shift in your awareness.

Depending on whether your

awakening gradually or overnight,

whether it was a gentle shift

or a sudden aha or penny dropping moment.


You will see yourself, your life

and the world in a different way.

You will notice how the behaviour of yourself

and others are not resonating with you

as much as before.


Some things that didn’t bother you before

will now concern you on the flip side

some things that used to be important to you,

you no longer care about.


You will start to question your beliefs

and conditionings that you have had

most of your life.


You will feel unnerved as it will feel like your life no longer makes sense. Everything will start to

feel unreal. You will start to be able to see yourself, your life and the world from a more expanded

and broader perspective and have more clarity seeing through the illusion of the 3D world.

This will lead you to ask questions about yourself and the world and your place in it. You may start

to feel detached from everyone and yourself.


All this is because your soul is waking you up to the realisation of who you truly are and so more light is opening up and being revealed within you. When this realisation starts to happen your ego starts to loose its grip on you because you are beginning to realise the false you is your ego and the true you is your soul. You will have an inner knowing that you can’t ignore that you are more than your body and mind and you have a purpose for being here, that you have come here with some sort of mission to fulfil during this lifetime.


This is when some people, places, your job/career and where you live can start to no longer feel in alignment with who you are becoming. So you may find some family relationships and friendships come to an end. You may feel that your job/career or where you live

no longer resonates with you. Some people in your world may not understand or like this change in you. However, once this process of awakening starts to happen, you will find you will not want to go back to the old you and your old life.



1. Practice Meditating. 

2. Try incorporating a daily spiritual practice.

You could start off with just a short daily meditation,

Or you could include Practicing Gratitude (Giving Thanks, Prayers)

and Yoga...see what suits you. 

3. Read "The Map of Consciousness Explained" by DR David R Hawkins.



Dark Night of the Soul


This stage is what some people refer to

as the ego dying but I liken it to your ego retiring,

taking a back seat. Unfortunately, your ego

won’t go quietly.


By it’s very nature the ego is controlling

so doesn’t like the light from your soul

showing it up for what it is….the false self.


It will do what ever it can to hold on to you

by making you fear and doubt

that what you are experiencing is true.

Which is why there’s a lot of confusion

and inner turmoil.


Everything you have believed to be true

is starting to crumble and your

ego is starting to dissolve.

So there is a bit of a battle

between your soul and ego.


When this happens you can feel

a deep despair and a darkness fall upon you.

What you go through can leave you

feeling exhausted at times broken.


You may feel depressed, empty, lost, angry, hopeless, confused,

loose all enthusiasm and purpose in life because the identity of who you thought you were

is disappearing and at the same time your ego is trying to cause you to doubt

and fear the unknown of your true self emerging.


You may feel disconnected with yourself and the world.

This is all a necessary process. Up to the point of awakening your soul

has been obscured by your ego. For you to proceed along the spiritual path 

the old must be let go of so the new can come in.


During this stage you will feel the need and be guided to do inner and shadow work

on yourself. That is what this stage is about, purging, releasing and letting go

so you can clear space to align with your soul more. You can experience going through

Dark night of the Soul more than once. Some are longer than others.

Again, everyone’s awakening is different, the length, how many and difficult

depends on how you navigate your way through.



     1. Try breathing exercises whist meditating.

   2.  Get out into nature as much as possible.

3. Try a daily grounding meditation or visualisation.

4.Try Journaling your journey.

This is especially beneficial whilst doing Inner and Shadow work 

5. Read: Louise Hay "The Power is Within You" and " You Can Heal Your Life" â€‹




The Void


At some point you will go through a void phase. This is usually after a period of

releasing the old and going through a growth period, which can be tiring.

This is a time when it feels like nothing is happening. Everything has stopped.


Up to this point you may have been experiencing signs, synchronicities

and messages and felt able to connect to your angelic and spirit team

and the Divine then it all goes quiet.













​This can be very disconcerting as it may have been very full on up until now.

The quietness for some can feel very uncomfortable like being disconnected or abandoned

from The Divine or Universe, some may feel they have done something wrong.

Others feel like it is a blessing as they feel like they need a rest.


Which is exactly what this period is all about. The universe is giving you time to rest

and to get a sense of where and who you are.




        1. Continue with the meditations, visualisations, getting out into nature but also make sure

you are resting and nourishing yourself by doing things that light you up

      and if you haven't already introduce affirmations and mantras

                                                             2. Read: "The Power of Now" Eckhart Tolle





You may find this stage and the next either comes together or separate.

I have separated them for the purposes of this resource.

During this stage you will now have a good understanding

 of the process of what you are going through.













No longer wanting any part of the old you and accepting the new you.

You may want to push yourself out of your comfort zone and try new things.

You will now want to start to fill the space that you have cleared

from doing inner and shadow work and purging and go out into the world

discovering more about the true you.


You will drawn to new friends and places, maybe a new job or career and hobbies.

You will want to build a foundation for a more soul aligned life.

I call this stage discovery because you begin to realise you are a limitless being

and the world literally is your oyster.



The Student










This is the stage you will want to immerse yourself and absorb all the knowledge

you can about spirituality and delve deep into your inner wisdom.

You will buy and read books on spirituality, and go searching for knowledge

and answers to your questions about the truth of who you really are. It will be in a different way to when you first awakened. Before the questions will be coming from fear and your ego like

"Why doesn't anything feel real or make sense anymore i must be going crazy?"  

"What's happening to me, I just want to feel like I used to?"

 Now it will be questions based around how to learn, grow and evolve more and

connect with your inner wisdom.


This is when you will start to look for spiritual teachers, or learn about

different spiritual tools and practises that you can use in your daily life

and spiritual practice. Like meditation, yoga, visualization, prayers, mantras etc.


You will want to learn and grow. You will be guided to grow

and trust your intuition more. Always be guided by what resonates.

This is when you will want to expand your awareness as much as you can

because what you are discovering is making sense to you

in a way that your old life never used to.



1. Again continue with the tips mentioned about

 but if you haven't already try opening yourself up more

and delve deeper into your inner wisdom

and connecting with your Angelic team and The Divine. 

2. This can be done by longer meditations, visualisations and activations.

Asking your Angelic team for guidance.

3. If you are struggling with going deeper you could invest in

practicing rituals by using candles, incense, crystals and using oracle cards.

All these can be very beneficial.

4. Read: "Raise Your Vibration" By Kyle Gray



Trust, Faith, Allow



This stage could also be called

the surrender stage as after

being on the journey for a while

you will be called to and guided

towards opening yourself up to

completely trusting and having

faith in The Divine or the Universe

to having your back.


In other words...

to letting go of trying to control

anything in your life anymore

and let the Universe do it’s

job of guiding you.

To trust and have faith that everything

is working out for you as it should

and you are exactly where you are

supposed to be.


This stage helps you to get out of your own way.

As when you try and control your life you are falling into the old patterns of your ego.

Instead to have an inner knowing that whatever opportunities, possibilities and lessons

that come into your lives are for you to learn, grow and evolve for your highest good

and not to resist or force anything. Just to trust, have faith and allow.



1. Practice Letting Go and surrendering meditations and visualisations.

Surrendering is a daily practice.

2. Daily affirmations about trusting, allowing and having faith.

3. Keep pushing yourself out of your comfort zone

Read: ACourse of Love and Combined Volume

Channelled  and Narrated by Mari Perron




Purpose and Mission


This is when you become aware of what your calling, mission or purpose is.

Why you have come here. What you as a soul are hoping and wanting to achieve this lifetime.


This is due to all the purging, inner and shadow work, releasing and letting go, learning, searching and absorbing knowledge, developing your gifts and talents and your intuition and surrendering.















This means you have a greater wisdom.

Going through all of this means can mean you are in a place of inner peace

and have been able to come into inner union.


After being on the journey for a while and going through a lot

and getting to a place I mentioned above, you may notice you have a strong pull

or urge towards doing something in your life or with your life.


It could be something you have always wanted to do but never

felt confident or capable, so have shelved it

or something completely new that you are drawn to.


You will probably find yourself being extremely focused

on making steps towards that goal. This is something where you will be

spreading and sharing the love and light and is something

that will bring you great fulfilment and you will want to be dedicated to doing.

By doing what you are called to will mean you are fulfilling your mission

for being here this lifetime.


All purposes or missions are important.

No one mission is more important than another.

Also, you may have more than one. You may have personal missions

you want to fulfil and more global purposes.

Don't try and guess or force something that you may think your mission could be.

Just allow your mission/purpose to come into your awareness naturally.



Final thoughts....


A spiritual journey, is lifelong. You will continually grow

and expand your awareness and consciousness.

There are however stages…some longer than others.


Also, depending on how open and willing

you are to embrace each stage and what that stage brings with it,

will make a difference to how long and easy or more challenging that stage will be.


Having said that as we are all human and most of us have been controlled by our ego

for much of our lives, some stages will undoubtably be challenging.

The advice I would give is to be open to learning with whatever resonates,

whether that is going inwards to find answers to your questions

or externally from different sources.


Be accepting of what you go through, try not to force or resist,

go with the flow…. I know, easier said than done when in the moment.

However, this journey is one like no other and one I would not change.

It will transform YOU and your life in all ways.



Image by Jill Wellington from Pixabay

Photo by Mikkekylilt Pixabay

Photo by Pexels Pixabay

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Photo by darksouls1 Pixabay

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