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Twin Flames

Here you will find guidance on what being a Twin Flame really means and how to navigate your way through the journey  

Understanding the connection between Twin Flames

Often people have a misconception about twin flames. They believe them to be like soulmates and all about being in a romantic relationship with someone. They believe they are about two people finding their perfect partner and spending the rest of their lives with them.

However, the twin flame connection is not a normal romantic relationship. This is a spiritual connection that will lead the Divine Feminine to have a spiritual awakening.


I was catapulted onto the twin flame journey after discovering that I was a Divine Feminine spiritual twin, which led me to having a spiritual awakening. So, I wanted to share what I have discovered due to going through this excruciatingly painful but immensely beautiful journey. I personally feel that twin flame is an over-used label. It conjures up the wrong impression of this journey. I only use it because it acts like a signpost making it easier for people who are looking for answers on their journey.


I suspect if you are reading this, then you are someone looking for answers due to meeting someone that has turned your life upside down. Which could mean you are the Divine Feminine, spiritual twin also known as the chaser. The Divine Feminine is always the first to awaken spiritually and so leads this journey. The Divine Masculine is often also referred to as the matrix twin or runner and usually isn’t aware of the spiritual connection in the physical 3D world.Although all twin flame journey’s will be different, there are some similarities which could indicate you are a twin flame.

Some indications you could be on a Twin Flame journey


  • When you meet your twin, you will instantly connect, leading you to feel such intense and overwhelming emotions.

  • You may not have known them for that long when you start getting these intense feelings

  • You may not have met them in person. Meeting online and only talking by messaging or video calls.

  • You will have a strong sense of familiarity

  • You will feel safe and have a deep sense of trust in them almost from the start.

  • Your Divine counterpart will be in your head 24/7 no matter what you do

  • They may not be the normal type of person you would be attracted to

  • You will start to get signs and synchronicities

  • They will block you and unblock you or ghost you then come back into your life and act like nothing has happened. The length of time can be short or long, from days to years

  • They may be extremely keen to meet you only to cancel or not show up

  • They can be evasive around intimacy - skirting around the subject

  • You can feel like you are in a relationship and at the same time feel like you are not

  • You may be different ages, or from different parts of the county or world, or different cultures or religions.

  • Telepathy - You will feel their presence around you, even if you haven’t met in person. For instance, you could be lying in bed and you will feel their arm around your body or them lying next to you. You will experience thoughts and emotions that are clearly not yours

These are just a few and you may find you relate to some or even most of these, however as I mentioned every twin’s journey is different. Although there will be a lot of doubt at times on this journey, what never really leaves you is a deep inner knowing that this connection is true. Even if at first, you don’t want to believe it and you try to walk away, ignore or forget, you will keep coming back to that inner knowing, especially as the journey progresses and you come to realise what this journey is really all about.

The true connection of Twin Flames

To put it simply true twin flames are one soul in two bodies. It didn’t half itself but split, if you like, so your soul is whole. We are all beings of energy including our souls and we each have a unique energy frequency. Before the one soul of twins incarnated on earth it decided to split and go into two separate bodies at the same time.  This is because twins are lightworkers who come here with a blueprint to create a new template to teach unconditional love in relationships. So, if you are a true twin flame you and your twin will share the exact same soul energy frequency because you are the same soul just in two separate bodies. Which is why you have this overwhelming attraction and love towards them. Twins are connected energetically so will feel the others energy even when not physically together.


One twin will be the Divine Feminine energy and the other the Divine Masculine energy. I’m not talking about gender and how each of the twins identify in the physical world but I mean the energy of each twin. So, a twin could identify as being female in the physical world but have the Divine masculine energy.


Usually soon after twins meet, they go into a bubble love phase, a honeymoon phase if you like. When everything feels blissful. However at some point twins will have soul recognition. Meaning the soul will recognise itself in the other body. When this happens the heart centre is activated and usually soon after twins will go into separation. This is when the Divine Masculine runs leaving the Divine Feminine to feel completely lost, devastated and bewildered. Separation can happen many times where the Divine Masculine connects with the Divine Feminine and then runs again and is a necessary part of the journey.


It is through this process that a lot of purging and healing from those traumas and core inner wounds from not only this life but also past lives is done. Releasing and letting go of the pain so those wounds can be healed.

Core Issues

Most twins will have core issues to heal due to traumatic childhoods and lives in general. When they meet, they each trigger those issues that need to be healed in each other. Most Divine Feminine’ will have abandonment issues.

Not wanting to be left and feeling alone. The Divine Masculine will often have avoidance attachment issues. Which means they will withdraw from the emotional closeness. They both yearn for the very connection that have found in each other. Finding that deep connection with someone that they can truly be themselves with. Accepting and understanding each other without judgment. However, when they meet, they are both wounded and so the Divine Feminine believing they need their twin to complete them will want to hold on tightly to the connection fearing losing it, causing them to chase. The Divine Masculine, not believing they are deserving enough and a fear of losing control of their emotions will run as they will find it overwhelming.

The push and pull energy of Twins

As twins are one soul and they share an energetic system when the Divine Feminine is focusing on their twin by either trying to contact them or feeling lack or loss and yearns for their twin the Divine Masculine feels the push of the Divine Feminine energy and pulls away, so they continue to run. This is what is known as the push/pull of the twin flame connection.


As this isn’t a typical romantic connection the same rules do not apply. The overwhelming love and attraction they feel towards this person is their soul recognising itself in the other body. All the time the Divine Feminine is in the chasing energy, be it by reaching out by contacting the Divine Masculine, checking their social media or by feeling loss, lack, yearning and longing, the Divine Masculine will keep running. By the Divine Feminine believing in the story of this connection being a romantic one they will keep looping and staying in pain.

Embracing the Journey 

If Divine Feminine can stop contacting the Divine Masculine and constantly checking their social media. If they can stop focusing on the Divine Masculine by yearning, longing and waiting for them to come back and instead start to focus on themselves bringing those their energies back to them, embracing their spiritual path. Then they start to shift and heal, realising that this connection and journey is about something far more than a romance. That it’s about coming into union with themselves and fulfilling their purpose. At this point they are no longer bothered whether their twin comes back or not because they feel so amazing about themselves and their lives.

Focusing on YOU Divine Feminine

If you are a Divine Feminine and are at the beginning of this journey or you are looping, still in the story and in pain this may seem like an impossibility. However, you lead this journey Divine Feminine because you are the spiritual twin and although it won’t be at the same time, when you heal, your twin can start to heal too because you are connected energetically. However, remember not to focus on physical union with your twin as that will just keep you believing in the story and in pain, which will prevent you from coming into union with yourself. Remember this is a spiritual journey of the one soul experiencing life in two separate bodies.


I understand exactly how much you can struggle dealing with the pain, confusion and longing on this journey. However, I also know and understand that its only by shifting, healing and letting go that you can get out of the story and the pain and you can find that love, peace and fulfilment that you are searching for, within yourself.

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